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Barryton digital marketing agency helps make dreams a reality

BARRYTON — In a world where technology and websites are more important in business than ever, one Barryton resident has spent years putting in work in the digital world to help other’s business and startup dreams a reality with his digital marketing agency. 

Fred Skaff, a resident of Barryton for over 10 years, founded his digital marketing agency Six Gun Group in 2012. The company focuses on helping businesses and individuals with website and profile building, as well as search engine, content, and on-page optimization. 

Skaff said he saw a need for a more personal digital marketing approach.  

“I’ve had this agency for quite a while and it’s a passion that just started because I was always fascinated with what makes a website become number one in a ranking,” Skaff said. “It turned into talking with a bunch of other guys and learning code and script and stuff like that. Then trying to gauge Google’s algorithm which nobody ever gets right. There’s really a mathematical science to it.

“A lot of small businesses don’t realize how much free traffic they could capture by hiring a guy like me,” he added. “We’re talking thousands and thousands of dollars of free traffic because if you just put up a website, chances are it’s equivalent to putting up a lemonade stand in a sea of lemonade stands. Just because you have a website does not mean you’re going to get shown in rankings, to some degree.” 

Search engine optimization, or the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine, has become a major tool for many businesses. 

Whether online or physical, Skaff explained that any business can benefit from an online presence.

Skaff runs his agency entirely from his home, which is one of the biggest perks of working with online and technology-based services.