LuLaRoe specializes in selling comfy clothing, most noticeable are their leggings with creative designs. The multilevel marketing company grew exponentially a few years ago with LuLaRoe consultants in many communities — often more than one.
Now it seems things have gone south for the company and today Amazon will air a docuseries “LuLaRich.” It promises to be a hard-hitting series chronicling stories told by disillusioned former LuLaRoe consultants. This four-part docuseries dives deep into the story of LuLaRoe, that earlier this year settled a lawsuit alleging that the MLM was operating as a pyramid scheme.
From a Daily Reporter Facebook call out, it seems that at one time, local LuLaRoe consultants were easy to find. Now a search for consultants yielded about four still actively selling the product.
Love it
Crystal Hyslop, of Reading, is currently a consultant. She has a positive relationship with the company with an active Facebook group, where she showcases the casual, comfortable LuLaRoe clothing her customers love.
The only thing that makes Hyslop uncomfortable is the negativity of the documentary.
Hate it
Sarah Gruner of Quincy was a LuLaRoe consultant in 2017.
“It was the worst experience of my life,” Gruner said. “I was swindled out of my original investment of $10,000 as well as hundreds more.”
That included her mad rush to buy inventory and pay for trips to company events where she was attempting to get “exclusives.” She also spent money advertising her business in a saturated market and paying for booths at vendor events surrounded by other LuLaRoe consultants, Gruner said.
Popular styles and sizes were constantly out of stock, she said. Or the company sent “ugly” patterns rather than the advertised holiday collections, beautiful florals or even black leggings.
“I sold for almost two years and never received a pair of black leggings to sell,” Gruner said.
She also faced the competition of big box stores selling similar clothing for a third of the price or less.
“When I finally gave up and started GOOB I did my best to try to liquidate my inventory even at $5 each,” Gruner said. “I could not sell those ugly clothes. Eventually I gave everything I had to a consultant I knew.”
Over the years Gruner has sold for other multi-level marketing companies.
“But as far as the amount of money and time I wasted with LLR — they are the worst MLM. Down to being actively told that it’s ok to ignore your kids to ‘work your business,'” Gruner said.